Purification plant
- Rainwater retention basin
In the course of the refurbishment and expansion of the wastewater treatment facility of the Lake Ossiacher See Water District, the cleaning process of the rainwater retention basins was to be optimized.
The problem was that it always used to take one worker with industrial washers several days to routinely clean the four older 10,000 m³ capacity rainwater retention basins. The smell and noise caused a necessary task to become an unpleasant experience for both the workers and those living nearby.
- Water turret
- Water turret
A progressive and efficient solution
Four older basins for collecting rainwater were replaced by two concrete basins having a maximum volume of 18,000 m³. Following heavy rains, these basins are drained after which the water mixture is processed biologically in the treatment plant. The problem is that a mix of organic and inorganic particulates always accumulates as sludge at the bottom of the basins.
- Two rainwater retention basins each with a length of 95 m and width of 45 m
- Max. water depth in basins: approx. 2.10 m
- Capacity of each basin: approx. 9.000 m³
The solution: Now after draining the basins, the Rosenbauer turrets, which were actually designed for stationary firefighting, use process water to flush the sludge into a central collecting channel from where it flows into the auger lift system. Four water turrets are installed per basin, each of which can be operated independently and controlled remotely or manually on-site. In addition to this, two automatic cleaning methods were implemented that allow the turrets to clean the basins on their own.
- Number of turrets per basin: 4
- Water flow rate reduced to 800 l/min
- Large throw range of over 50 meters
- 8 bar pressure at turret inlet
- Complete CAN-Bus networking of the turrets
- Rosenbauer remote control for manual operation
- Summer and winter operation
- Fully automated cleaning process
- Time saving: 75 – 90 %
- Cost savings
- Reduces odor and noise pollution
Since 1964 the Lake Ossiacher See Water District has been responsible for providing economical and reliable wastewater treatment and disposal for the Austrian city of Villach, the township of Feldkirchen, and the communities of Himmelberg, Steindorf, Treffen and Ossiach. This water district is also charged with safeguarding the groundwater and improving the ecology of Lake Ossiacher See. To do all this, it operates the entire sewage collection and disposal facility, as well as all the collectors, pumping plants and local networks throughout the region.
ARA Ternberg
Cleaning system of a rainwater retention basin with a RM15C water turret.
Public Utilities Schwaz
Cleaning system of a rainwater retention basin with a RM15C water turret.
Automatic cleaning systems for the new retention pools
This modern, fully automated cleaning system from Rosenbauer saves time, manpower and costs while at the same time reducing odor and noise pollution from the sewage plant.
Find more information about the stationary extinguishing system of the Lake Ossiacher See Water District on this page.
Impresses with:
- Fully automated cleaning
- Time saving: 75 – 90 %
- Cost savings
- Reduces odor and noise pollution